
Alloy geometry tassel choker hollow collar necklace

Weddings are generally a formal occasion, when accessories are highly important. The bride's jewellery should match her wedding theme, and must suit the important occasions. Some brides like the elaborate type jewellery and others prefer the simple type. No matter what should the bride makes, it should be something special to admire in her wedding photos in years to come. A simple rule in choosing good jewellery for a wedding is simple, but still elegant.

A wedding gown with much glitter and detailing would call for a simpler Hollow Collar Necklace, while a plain or simpler wedding dress allows for both choices; simple or elaborate jewelries.

Above all, the wedding jewellery must suit the bridal gown. Should it be strapless or have a low neckline, the bridal jewellery must not lack a beautiful collar necklace and earrings. On the other hand, should the wedding gown have a high neckline, and then the earrings get to be the star of the day, leaving the necklace unnoticeable. Silver can be as elegant as gold, given it is properly chosen.

Judging by the length, there are various types of necklaces. The most popular off all are the choker, the collar, princess, and matinee and opera lengths. Each and every one of them is beautiful and elegant, but is suitable for different kinds of bridal gowns.

For instance, let us talk about the alloy geometry tassel choker collar. Don't know what it stands for? Well, it is a necklace made up of three or more strands that fit securely around the middle neck. It is nothing like the Choker, which has three strands worn close around the neck. The Princess is very good for strapless gowns, as this length falls below the hollow of the neck in front. The Matinee is longer than the Princess but shorter than the Opera, but this is the perfect bridal jewelry if the dress has a lower neckline with sheer fabric covering colligates’ area. Should you want a long simple strand, then the Opera is the one for you. It goes with classic gowns with a very high neckline, but my advice is not to choose such a thing as wedding jewelry.

The bridal tiara is the one to make you feel like a real princess! Keep in mind though that your tiara must be the point of focus, so you should give up some of your wedding jewelry! So, be it gold or silver, be it expensive or not, wedding jewelry and especially the bridal tiara are very important on such an occasion.

